MICAM研讨会邀请——3月26日上海国...2014-2015 秋冬趋势报告

Trend Report 2014/2015 A/W
Nicoline van Enter
Creative Director, SLEM

SLEM, the new international footwear education and innovation centre, is the brainchild of Nicoline, worldrenowned footwear forecaster and consultant. Being educated as an engineer, journalist and market researcher, she is known for her broad view, connecting aspects from society, culture, design and technology through a creative yet practical and commercial approach.

荷兰鞋类设计中心SLEM 是一个国际化的鞋类创意和教育中心,我们的理念是让参与者能用鞋子改变世界。当下和未来的10年,人口呈爆发式的增长,但是人们对鞋类的需求却受到目前产品和分配过程的限制,这将引发急切的意味深长的变革需求。SLEM提供独特的教育和资讯服务,为全球鞋履业者提供最佳创意平台。


DesignDirect - How to start our own microbrand
Roger BALL
Professor of Product Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Mass production is no longer the only game in town. Designers, artists and entrepeneurs around the world have bypassed corporations to reach consumers directly through the internet. Outsourcing their production directly to factories they are realizing the creative potential possible with your own personal self-financed micro-brand. Roger outlines his vision of the exciting new opportunities waiting for designers and entrepreneurs as they step forward into the new age of DesignDirect.

时间:3月25日 14:00-17:00
地点:上海展览中心中央大厅会议室 Meeting Room, Central Hall(上海市延安中路1000号)


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