The Brand: Li Hong Yan

Li Hong Yan is premium sportswear for men and women that is a necessity for those with a sense of independence and who express the special and alluring in all they do. The brand name is the Chinese name of chief designer, Helen Lee. Individual pieces are based on simple forms but meticulous details infuse garments with a fresh and lively story. Always sexy with an edge of strength, Li Hong Yan gives a new choice to the style-conscious looking for personality in what they wear. The new brand will be available from a flagship boutique and several other retail locations in China starting in spring of 2007.

Spring-Summer 2007: The "Green Allure" Collection

"Green Allure" provides a metaphor for the meaning of our life. Green speaks to infinite energy and the spirit of always moving forward. Allure represents a desire we have to present ourselves as special, charming, sometimes tough and always sexy. Spring-Summer 2007 brings a collection full of creative details inspired by the signature of spring and summer – flower petals, green leaves and the bark of trees. Pleats, satin ties, petal-like ruffles and herringbone patterns are used to bring the details of green allure to life and are woven into the forms of highly tailored and fitted jackets, pants, skirts and shirts.

品牌--"李鸿雁 LI HONGYAN"

"李鸿雁LI HONGYAN"-风格略趋于成熟但恰到好处,年龄层次可由25岁跨越于50岁之间的爱美、特立独行的个性男、女生。妩媚而不失干练,帅气不失温柔,性感又不失稳重。整体感觉带给人耳目清新,追求细节,简单中富有无穷內涵。


"李鸿雁LI HONGYAN"最新出炉的个人作品系列,于2007年4月1日正式推向市场,届时追求时尚、个性的一族将有了更大的选择。'诱绿'作品展现的是清爽、舒心的感觉。简洁的男式款样的白衬衣剪裁合体,从袖笼处相接的绿色缎带绕脖相系,帅气又妩媚;线条流畅的西装小夹克,后背斜斜的打几个摺,至下摆处如流水样打开。作品的灵感来源于自然界的生长之物,如绽开的花瓣,新生的叶子,强劲的树干,汩汩的流水。意喻新鲜、活力和生命,相信今季这份"诱绿"生机为主题的情感作品。也是对你的一份诱惑。


上海泰康路200号丙 INSH 概念店 营业时间:10:30am – 9pm

上海巨鹿路366号 CURIOSITY 概念店 电话:62081314 营业时间:11:00am – 9pm

上海建国西路130弄4号底层 AFTER 6 FASHION HOUSE 电话:64310881 营业时间:11am – 8pm

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