Breaking News!Levi's和Jordan,牛仔界和篮球界的两个icon走到一起,用两个经典的数字23/501合作限量版系列,包括一条501牛仔、一双Jordan一代复古Sneaker和一件印有两个品牌合作图案的棉Tee,全世界总共发售2323套,售价395美元,明年3月1日上市。
一口气说完这些,你有什么想法?如果能够买到,我现在就会预定。说实话,我对collaboration早已厌倦,特别是在Street Wear界。不过这次Levi's与Jordan的合作让我真的产生兴趣,让我们看一下该系列的设计细节(我怕翻译不完美,还是大家自己看吧):
Levi's raw selvedge 501 denim is lined with Jordan's iconic elephant print and includes such features as Jordan "Jumpman" embroidery on one pocket and six gold rings—symbolizing Jordan's six championships—on the inside of the button fly. To protect sneakers from the raw denim bleed, the bottom hem is lined with a leather sneaker guard.
The Air Jordans are similarly adorned with Levi's details, like reverse-side denim (also printed in Jordan's elephant pattern), denim stitching and the Levi's red tab. Both products, along with the collectible T-shirt, are encased in a large keepsake box, decorated with graphics from each brand and containing acrylic placards with Levi's and Jordan's respective histories. Each box is numbered to ensure authenticity.